Because of this crappy weekend, I have decided to have today's blog entry focus on how to stop being lazy. I did a little research and found this Wiki article on laziness. Here are the steps they said to take in order to stop being lazy:
1. Set goals that are high but you can reach them. Make a to-do list (these really work if you can not get overwhelmed by them!)
2. Wake up earlier (I cannot emphasize how much I agree with this tip). Shower and get fully dressed every morning at a decent hour. Do not leave your room until you get this done (but don't be like me and use this as an excuse not to go out anywhere!)
- what else can you use as a motivator to get done? How about not having breakfast until you are fully dressed?
3. Eat healthy
4. Exercise
Number's 3 and 4 are a bit patronizing, aren't they? In fact all of these tips are pretty obvious. Lets see if I can come up with something a little more helpful. I found a good article on how to stop being lazy at work, but this isn't exactly what I mean by laziness.
Suprisingly, I found a lot of really amazing answers on Yahoo! Answers for the question, "How do you stop being lazy?".
Here are some of the answers from that site that I really found useful:
- "Try getting up early, get your metalbolism going by doing work outs. I do Denise Austin every morningcalled slow and fit. After about four days you will begin to really feel the difference and have energy all day. Get enough sleep also."
I like this tip because it really would kill two birds with one stone- you would be exercising and curing your laziness at the same time! Plus you follow along with a video so this helps those of you who need someone following along and pushing them to do the right thing.
- "First step is to do one thing a day where you go outside and two days a week where you go somewhere. Does not have to be for a long time just has to be done. Like go sit on back poarch where no one can see you and read and then walk accross yard. Then next day go to store and get something small for reward. Watch it is not candy as sugar makes depression worse and makes you fat on your medication. As you do a little, add just a few minutes and little things here and there. Even if you are still depressed, you will get moving."
I like this tip best of all. This makes getting out and doing stuff seem attainable. I could sit outside for a little while, even in this cold weather, if it will help me attain more of a 'busy' living-life spirit!
- This are some really funny tips, who knows I may resort to these if my willpower stays down in the dumps!
"1.Put needles, points up, on all the seats in your home so that when you sit down,well, you know.
2.Sleep on the kitchen floor so you don't over sleep.
3.Run laps around your neighborhood screaming "I WILL NOT BE LAZY!!" over and over again.
4.Hire someone (or two or three someones) to slap you in the face with a fly swatter every time you don't do a chore. (Make sure to pay them well, and make them Promise to slap you.)
5.Duck tape all the screens in your house (computer, TV, etc.).
6.When you eat, put the food on the floor, and do push-ups. Down, bite,chop,one. Down, bite, chomp, two! And so on.
7.Think positively. "I can do this, I can do this!"
8.Only eat health foods, throw out all the potato chips and soda. Time for trail mix and water!
9.Make sure to breath. Inhale through the nose, "heee", exhale through the mouth,"hooo".
10.Just do it! Do it!
11. Oh, and drink lots of water."
Here are some other great tips from a similar question asked on Yahoo! Answers:
- "get motivated, make a list of things you would like to do and need to do, cut them out and fold them up, put them in a cup and each day take one out and do it. If it is the weekend do 2 or 3 of them, you just need to be motivated."
I hope these tips have helped you, maybe you can use one of these tips and report back on how they worked!

thanks for compiling your research into one place, made for a good read! And easy.. and.. I didn't have to work hard.. wait.. that sounds lazy... :)
Thanks for your post - it encourages me to know that someone is struggling with the same thing I am. As much as I beat myself up, I can't seem to get going! Thanks for the good tips - its great to know that I'm not the only one out there trying to find some motivation!
Thanks i hope this motivates me to get up early and go to school every single day. ive miss a lot of school days just for being lazy. i need to stop this.
For some reason I cannot get myself back to where I was. I started reading your post, and it clicked. I know that you are probably not a doctor, just a concerned patron, but what you said really got my head to think. I have been it this type of rut before and the only thing that has ever gotten me out was sleep, diet, get up early and exercise. When I did these thing's on a regular basis, I felt better about myself. When I feel better about myself, I can take on the world. Right now I have to get the strength to get myself back on track, that is the hard part. Thank you for the "nugget" of info.
I will try to wake up early and get things done. Not wondering off and wasting time. Time is too precious atm!
sounds great but im stil sitin here :(
really enjoyed reading your post...I have struggled with this problem for many years...I'll get motivated for a few days maybe weeks and then bam I'm right back where I started...I'm going to take advantage of your research and tips and give it another try..thanks!!
"run laps around your neighbourhood screaming I WILL NOT BE LAZY over ad over again" made me laugh out loud.
unfortunately i am still sat here, being lazy, but at least i'm laughing now!
good reminder that diet and exercise are important.. exercise makes me feel better, its just getting out and doing it thats hard work!
thanks for the post
Great research....I don't have the motivation to leave my house once i've gone in for the day, try the new activities I'm interested in, or work out...
Hopefully this will help me out.
I looked up this comment as a way to learn how to avoid being lazy. Sorry, but I do not have time to read much of it. I am always too busy and need more sleep.
I feel the same right now...
thank you for writing this blog! :D
Oh god, I so relate to how you feel about being lazy. Thanks for your blog. I think I am going to try these two ideas:
1. Making chits and picking them from a bowl
2. Self discipline by starting with chores like sitting outside.
And will report back (if I end up trying, that is).
I like to sit outside and smoke my "special ciggarette", then i go for a walk to 7-11. But, thats the problem... I need to do housework, not worry about depression.
Very nice article....i always wanted to bring out the true spark out of me, but laziness always gravitated against it..FUCK ravenous of Super Success
Laziness is basically the only issue preventing me from being the best in school, this is my last year and I will not waste time on useless shit anymore. I'll work hard!
Thank you for your time for writing this interesting article! I am very lazy so goodnight all!
I have quite seriously found the main cause of otherwise healthy people being lazy!
And the solution is as simple as understanding this and having a little epiphany!
This is also the groundwork to success.
Control over ones self is just about the most important thing, and yet so few of us can carry it off to high levels, those that can are more successful and those most successful do so well beyond what most of us can comprehend.
Doing things can be easy when you like doing what you are doing and following your passion is great as a career, but not everything you need to do is so enjoyable.
A lazy person feels reluctant to become a machine and give up their freedom to do a chore, such drudgery, it is as if giving in weakens them.
The solution is: self worth (because you are worth it), self respect (be good to yourself), self esteem and pride, be a bit selfish.
If you look at the most successful people you will see they have these qualities, but it isn't all just a result of their success, their success is a result of viewing themselves highly!
If you look at the least successful people i.e. homeless people you will see very little of these qualities if any at all!
And if you look at levels between the 2 extremes you see that the importance they give themselves and how well they look after themselves is closely related to their success!
Doing things for yourself because of your own self-value boosts your ego further, literally if you want self control you must grow your ego, you must make a stronger you by simply deciding that you are worth it.
Consider that a lazy person might clean up their house, clean up themself and present themselves well if someone they value is coming over.
The successful person is the same way, only they are the person worthy of having everything be nice for themself.
Successful people take pride in how they look, in what they do.
They do so not just for other people though.
So the good news is that if you are not suffering from acute exhaustion and don't have some serious hangups, it is pretty easy to just simply recognize it's importance and just choose you have enough self respect and pride that you eat better, and tidy and clean up, do some chores and take care of your body for you, because you are worth it.
In the end can there be any other reason for someone not taking care of themselves but simply failing to recognize that they are worth it? Could you really think you are worthy of better and not do better?
To cook a nice meal for one, to work out not to impress others but for building your own pride and taking care of your own life.
Be proud to be a bit particular, being self obsessed can be a good thing, try a bit of vanity.
What makes this so effective is that by doing these things with such a mindset everything you achieve really does boost your morale and makes you literally a more more powerful person, your self esteem will grow and with it your confidence.
Most self improvement tends not to work well with people who have little fight left in them, it requires effort and persistence. What is needed is a change in the persons relationship to work and a boost in personal power.
The solution to lazyness is as simple as having read what you just read, making a choice and starting, that's it.
The key to great success is simply taking this further than needed to have a nice life.
I have quite seriously found the main cause of otherwise healthy people being lazy!
And the solution is as simple as understanding this and having a little epiphany!
This is also the groundwork to success.
Control over ones self is just about the most important thing, and yet so few of us can carry it off to high levels, those that can are more successful and those most successful do so well beyond what most of us can comprehend.
Doing things can be easy when you like doing what you are doing and following your passion is great as a career, but not everything you need to do is so enjoyable.
A lazy person feels reluctant to become a machine and give up their freedom to do a chore, such drudgery, it is as if giving in weakens them.
The solution is: self worth (because you are worth it), self respect (be good to yourself), self esteem and pride, be a bit selfish.
If you look at the most successful people you will see they have these qualities, but it isn't all just a result of their success, their success is a result of viewing themselves highly!
If you look at the least successful people i.e. homeless people you will see very little of these qualities if any at all!
And if you look at levels between the 2 extremes you see that the importance they give themselves and how well they look after themselves is closely related to their success!
Doing things for yourself because of your own self-value boosts your ego further, literally if you want self control you must grow your ego, you must make a stronger you by simply deciding that you are worth it.
Consider that a lazy person might clean up their house, clean up themself and present themselves well if someone they value is coming over.
The successful person is the same way, only they are the person worthy of having everything be nice for themself.
Successful people take pride in how they look, in what they do.
They do so not just for other people though.
So the good news is that if you are not suffering from acute exhaustion and don't have some serious hangups, it is pretty easy to just simply recognize it's importance and just choose you have enough self respect and pride that you eat better, and tidy and clean up, do some chores and take care of your body for you, because you are worth it.
In the end can there be any other reason for someone not taking care of themselves but simply failing to recognize that they are worth it? Could you really think you are worthy of better and not do better?
To cook a nice meal for one, to work out not to impress others but for building your own pride and taking care of your own life.
Be proud to be a bit particular, being self obsessed can be a good thing, try a bit of vanity.
What makes this so effective is that by doing these things with such a mindset everything you achieve really does boost your morale and makes you literally a more more powerful person, your self esteem will grow and with it your confidence.
Most self improvement tends not to work well with people who have little fight left in them, it requires effort and persistence. What is needed is a change in the persons relationship to work and a boost in personal power.
The solution to lazyness is as simple as having read what you just read, making a choice and starting, that's it.
The key to great success is simply taking this further than needed to have a nice life.
hey love to have you...n yesss to c u struggling for the same inbuilt foe helped to boost up in same level league n also to go to next level...wid sauces. looking forward to do it n i i ll report as i conquer it. lv u
it was really very helpfull in reading ur tip... tat to ur sme tips really good thank u..
i thnk wt ever u hav told may workout(by reading the comment i am telling this words)....
can u give even more easier tips ha..
tis also bit difficult to put on so......
I don't want to be perfect, I just want to get things done neatly and smoothly depending on the situaton. Haveing a planner and physicly writing down a task to be done helps and improves the idea that develops inside youdefining yourself as lazy.
It's so encouraging to read your blog :D it is nice to find someone who can identify with what I'm going through too (haha it sounds like a disease). The tips you gave are great and so, so motivating :D thanks a bunch
Thank you for all the info u guys provided
Its all about standards. You will not do better unless you RAISE your standards! You need to think about YOU and what YOU DESERVE. You deserve a clean home, nice meals, to look great, to feel great. Isn't that what you want? It all begins with you and your standards. So raise them!
subash - Biggest enemy in our life is ourself, we have to keep motivating ourself everyday to fight it out, a Banyan tree does not grow in a day it will take years to grow, even your goal if you have set it, it will take time to grow, it depends on you how you like to do it
lewlewlelwelwleelwewewlwel thanks
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